Where my Journey Began
I was born and raised in Manchester in the United Kingdom, a progressive, post-industrial, cool and rainy northern city with a tremendous community spirit. When I was young, I had a feeling there was more to this world than my family & school were teaching me. I was the magical child who believed in fairies and aliens and still does. I had a natural curiosity for the unseen with a slightly rebellious nature.
I went to art college after high school and then, with much regret, went to study business at university to get a “good job” and dodge the starving artist stereotype everyone around me beLIEved in. I landed the “good jobs” in the medical industry, where day after day, I felt like I sold my soul to pay the bills. Secretly in my spare time, I would immerse myself in various personal development, yoga and spiritual studies.

where my soul guided me
My soul had a different plan in my late 20s. I had a memory resurface of early childhood abuse. This memory, although painful, led me to the Amazon Jungle.
In 2015 I tried Ayahuasca for the first time, and I felt a child like wonder return to my life. I felt the interconnected nature of reality and a deeper understanding of my suffering.
My gypsy soul decided it was time for an adventure. Throwing caution to the wind, I sold all my belonging and travelled to volunteer in the Peruvian jungle. After a hell of a lot of purging and rebirthing, I found myself leading retreats. I loved this work; my heart was full and open, perhaps a little too open. After a solid 18 months in the jungle, which can and does feel like several lifetimes, I decided to do some more grounded inner work.
The Soul Journey Continued into the Unseen
I’d travelled so deep into my inner world and vastly expanded my consciousness with Ayahuasca. However, the dark side of doing so much work with this particular plant is it can lead you to feel somewhat fragmented. This is when I found parts work and realised that you also need to do deep psychological work with deep spiritual work. So I became a practitioner of IFS, not a therapist. I want to clarify that the work I do is not therapy. I help people on the path of awakening to their humanness and soul essence. This means looking at yourself in a multidimensional way, not just from the level of the psychological mind.
After gaining my credentials, I decided to expand myself through travel and lived in Thailand, Costa Rica, and Mexico as my practice was virtual. In Thailand, I experienced the eastern way and spent some time in deep meditation. Costa Rica opened me up further to nature and the adventures Mother Earth offers. Mexico was an exciting cultural experience where I visited many sacred Mayan sites and learned to tune into how to feel the land’s energy and stories.
Right Now & Beyond
When I returned home to the UK, I decided to study the traditions that flow through my bloodline. This is when I dived into Esoteric knowledge and Hermeticism. Whilst working with a Jungian analyst , I decided that I wanted to understand the archetypes deeper and the universal patterns weaved within our collective reality, which led me to become an Archetypal Consultant.
Currently, I am working to unearth more of the mysteries from within and embody my mystical aspect through the studies of the Feminine Mysteries and Western Mystical Traditions. I intend to share this through my school, The Inner Alchemy Academy, which will be open in 2023.