Know thy SElf + awaken from within
A UNIQUE journey into you utilising Shadow Work, psychospiritual Healing & Esoteric Teachings
6 Month or Week Immersion Program
Teaching, Mentoring, Healing + Coaching
24 hours of Video Teaching 6 Workbooks 1:1 session (1 hour)
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WEEK 1 -- A Journey into the Hidden Realms Within
The inner world is a vast landscape filled with many different I’s or Parts. Many of these parts or I’s are not visible to our conscious mind and live in what Carl Jung calls the shadow. The shadow isn’t just a scary place; our dreams, potential and hidden gifts also live in the hidden space.
The first week will give you tools and questions for reflection you can use on your quest to “Know thy Self”. To know ourselves in more depth it is essential that we work towards bringing conscious awareness to aspects of ourselves that may be hidden from our conscious sight. When we face the inner mirror we can begin to expand our consciousness and awareness which in turn assist in our soul’s evolution and growth.
TEACHING CONTENT: The Hidden Realms and How to Access Them
PRACTICE: Dream Journaling for Understanding Your Personal Symbology
SESSION: Inner Alchemy Session to Bring your Shadowy Aspects to Light

The Collective Soul & Unconscious is the part of the mind we are born and the most mysterious aspect of our consciousness. It comprises archetypes and programs—each with its duality or dark and light aspects.
This week we will be focusing on how to understand our own archetypal makeup and how to use this “to be in the world but not of it”, or another way to say this is how to interact with the collective soul without it programming and controlling you.
TEACHING CONTENT: The Collective Soul & How to Navigate as a Sovereign
PRACTICE: Understanding Your Archetypes
SESSION: Understanding How Survival Archetypes Impact Your Life
Week 3 -- The Ancestors
To understand our Origins and get to “Know thy Self”, we must visit the realm of the Ancestors. Our ancestral line can gift us a better understanding of sacred wounds, inner children and our spiritual inheritance.
A shaman once shared with me that in every ancestral line incarnates one angel who comes to heal the bloodline. Chances are if you are interested in this Program, then perhaps you are that angel here to transform your ancestral line.
TEACHING CONTENT: The Call of the Ancestors; Family Karma, Soul Contracts & Healing our Sacred Wounds
PRACTICE: Audio Journey for Clearing the Bloodline
SESSION: Inner Alchemy Session, suggestions for session, Inner Child Work, Mother/Father Wound, Ancestral Karmic Loops and Patterns.

“Our lives are not our own. We are bound to others, past and present, and by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.”
― David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas
The above quote is from the film Cloud Atlas and is recommended as extra homework to study for this module. The film illustrates the interconnected nature of our past, present and future lives.
Many people who are awakening in this time of transition may have a sense that they have been here before, perhaps in Atlantean times. In week four we will explore the cycles within your own life and the characters, conflicts and themes that show up over and over again.
TEACHING CONTENT: The Multidimensional Nature of our Lives
PRACTICE: Mapping the Cycles of Your Life
SESSION: Owning Your Map & Paving the Way for Your Future Life
In this module, we will study cosmic law and the 7 Hermetic Principles and how your nature, which we have been discovering in the previous four weeks, interacts with cosmic nature.
We will learn how the Hermetic principles can be used to obtain a higher knowledge of self and how this knowledge can assist you in liberating yourself from the limitation of the collective soul and matrix.
TEACHING CONTENT: The 7 Hermetic Principles & How They Apply to Your Life
PRACTICE: Adding Hermetic Dimension to Your Life’s Map
SESSION: Moving from Mapping The Past to Becoming the Map Maker

What does it mean to “Know thy Self”? How will this self-knowledge shape your future? With more self-awareness comes a large container of possibility for your life. How will you maintain and expand your container moving forward?
These are a few of the big questions we will ask this week, as we integrate the learnings from the first five weeks.
What expands must contract as the Hermetic Principle of Rhythm teaches us. We will also prepare for the descent that comes after an ascent and the challenges that may follow.
TEACHING CONTENT: Maintaining Your Container
PRACTICE: Audio Daily Inner Check-in
SESSION: Integration and Overview of Where to Focus Moving Forward