Are we mere actors in the play of life? Can our choices divert the wheel of karma to the path of destiny? Or is this game already mapped out? Who is the master architect of such a plan? Or are we data collecting for the architects and a pawn in the game of chances? Just some of the questions racing my mind as I write this blog in a little Mexican cafe on the Riviera Maya. The coastline of illusion maybe revealing more to me that I’m ready to inner-stand.

For a long time, the mystics, philosophers, priests and priestesses have played with the idea of Fate vs Destiny and how these two worlds intertwine. In Hindu philosophy fate could be seen as karma and destiny as dhamma. However, a Christian will say man was created to make moral choices, and these choices will determine his or her fate, and that one’s faith should lie in their fate. German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche added to this with the concept of “Amor Fati”” translated to “Love your fate.” Which, in fact, is your life”. However, according to Nietzche, fate is in the hands of our own self-actualisation, that through loving your fate or karma, one can become a higher man or women. Which I would argue is, in fact, our destiny.

The origins of the word fate comes from the Latin word “that which has been spoken”. In Greek, mythology it is believed fate is woven through the fabric of reality by three Goddesses named Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos. If Fate is spoken, who’s doing the speaking? Is it God, or is it the unevolved world we have within. In a world of duality, it’s worth mentioning that we also live in two worlds, the reality we have in front of us in this present moment and the unactualized potential within.
Which brings us nicely to destiny, which is the unactualized world inside, the reason for your being. If you’re not growing, what are you doing? Going along with the scripted program following and acting a role(s) in the game of life. On autopilot acting as a puppet when you have the potential to be the puppet master. Surely if destiny is your potential, then we owe it to the creator to fulfil our potential on the earthly realm?
Collective Fate Train
Let’s look collectively at who is writing the script in this world. Right now, we are seeing a mass unveiling of what’s been going on behind the curtain of reality. The enchanted spell of mass media and Hollywood are dissolving as many connect the dots to the injustices that theses mind control systems have installed in the collective consciousness. We are becoming aware of how man-made manipulated media and Hollywood combine, to bring life to the underworld archetypes. Imprinting their deprived version of consciousness out to the world to propagate their own agenda.

The more the “parasites that be” push their service to self agenda, the more it forces people to wake up, and this could be seen as our collective fate. This agenda has never been hidden, its always been in plain sight, let’s take a look at what the druids used Holly-Wood for:
“The druids were tree worshippers, especially the oak. The holly was their most sacred symbol because it was sacred to mother Holle or Hel, the [Norse] goddess of the underworld. Thus we have Holle, or Holly-wood (Hel-wood, the “place of magic”) and home of the Illuminati’s mass propaganda and conditioning machine in California. The holly wood was a favourite source of magic wands.” – Children of the Matrix by David Icke
Some may read this and think this is just Icke and his conspiracy theories well I’ve met Icke, and I can tell you he’s not just a conspiracy theorist the man is a decoder and his destiny was to share his decoding techniques for those who could see the light.
Consciousness Choices
Our choices are determining our future. The food you choose decides your physical health. What you think about decides your mental and emotional health. Where you place your focus creates your timeline. But is it really that simple? Could our timelines and destiny be manipulated by unseen forces or are we the ultimate creator? I feel intuitively it’s both.
The more fragmented and fractured we are, the more our timelines can be manipulated by unseen beings and forces. People are easy to control when they are fragmented. If you are fragmented you’ll buy more, you’ll consume more, you’ll ignore more, you’ll conform more, you’ll listen to what others say more, you’ll buy into giving your power away more, you’ll stay in toxic relationships more, you’ll stay on the more more more hamster wheel to firefight the parts of you that you’ve exiled to the back of your mind that are yearning to come home.
So what’s the solution? Get to Inner- stand your cast within. Inside we may have a leading lady, a leading man, a hero, a villain, a diva, a joker, a fool, an orphan, a warrior and a king or queen. We have all the archetypes within, and along the path of life, some may have decided to switch roles. The work is to alchemise these characters within into their starring roles.
If you are interested in becoming a director in your own life, you can contact me at
Be Excellent, Be More. Be YOU