The Gift of Healing


To the brave and brokenhearted who have taught us to rise after a fall; your courage is contagious. – Brené Brown

The Christmas and New Year time can stir up an array of emotions for many of us. The pressure to conform to societal conditioning and family dynamics can send our internal world into chaos. Perhaps the overindulgence of the festive season is a collective group of firefighters ready to sweep in and rescue our exiled wounded parts and aspects from any further damage (If you are unfamiliar with parts work check out my article click here. 

Is it any wonder we have created such firefighters when much of this period is a farce and far removed from its traditional origins. For many, we spend money we don’t have on things we don’t need to impress people some of our parts don’t even like. For others this time is a reminder of lost loved ones, broken hearts, lost dreams, and depression that deepens as the pressure to be jolly sinks in. For those of us who are consciously aware of the trappings of this reality, we often have to trade in our authenticity to keep “the peace.” But what if there was another way to not only survive this period but thrive and to begin the new year ahead with clarity, courage, and confidence.

Whatever parts, patterns and programs come up this Christmas they are here as your internal spirit guides, guiding you to what needs to be healed, rejected and integrated.

Origins of this Period 

Currently, we are in the period known as the Winter Solstice in the North Hemisphere of the world. The word solstice is Latin for the ‘Sun stands still.’ For three days before Christmas day, the sun is in the same position in the sky. If we were living in alignment with nature, this is a time for rest, reflection, contemplation, dreaming and visioning, a time to go inwards and rebirth. However, in the west, this time isn’t given. As many of us rush to the shops to buy more than we consume in a month, for just one day. This is one of the many examples of the inversions within this reality. 

Christmas day is the day when the sun moves one degree in the sky, and we come out of the darkness of winter and back into the light. The sun comes back to us and nature begins to flourish once more as we enter spring. Many who study astrotheology believe this is where the biblical story of the rebirth of the Son (Sun) of God comes from. As the sun dies in the sky for three days and then is returned back so we can once again grow crops and harvest food. If our emotional world could follow the natural world, this would be an ideal time to release old burdens, reject was isn’t our own and integrate what is . Regardless of your belief system, we can not argue with the cycles of nature. 


The Gift of Healing 

Whether you are a parent, son, daughter, niece, nephew, grandparent, friend or foe, the greatest gift you can give to another and yourself is the gift of healing. The gift of being your true authentic self, to become the person you were born to be. The process is ongoing and challenging at times and can often feel destructive as you peel back the layers and heal and integrate your parts, patterns and programs (What I call the 3p’s). As the old saying goes ‘fortune favours the brave’ and those that dare to look within are rewarded with a fortune beyond any monetary value; the inner flame. 

When you begin to heal your inner world, you become a beacon of light for others to do the same. If we see our fellow humans rise and shine after falling, we begin to inner-stand that we can do the same. Imagine a world where healing became infectious, and integration and loving acceptance of all our aspects became fashionable. What a different reality we would all be living in. 

Tips on Thriving Through this Period

Three P’s Awareness: Recognise your own P’s (Parts, Patterns & Programs) and how they interact with your family and friends P’s. When you feel triggered, ask your parts to un-blend from you and give you some space. If you have some time, you can do some inner inquiry if not write it down and do some work in the new year. These P’s are your spirit guides each with their own message, teaching and gift. 

Get into nature: The whole season can bring up some intense energies try to release these to the mother of all healers NATURE. A 30-minute walk can do wonders for anxious, stressed and depressed parts. 

Drink Plenty of Water: Stay hydrated energies and emotions can be high this time of year and water will help flush the toxins through your system. 

The Gift of Presence: If we are feeling heavy emotions or intense energies often we want to escape or drift away to another reality, and that reality for many is in our pockets. If you can try to have a digital detox throughout this time. Facebook and Instagram aren’t going anywhere but a beautiful moment and memory with a loved one may.

If you are committed to moving towards your authentic sovereign self, I’m offering the below packages if booked throughout January. You can redeem them any time throughout 2020.

All P’s are welcome in sessions, and we can work through any current issues you are facing, through the power of your heart. The idea behind these sessions is to help you face and integrate  your parts, patterns and programs both in the inner and outer plane, so you can ignite your Sovereign Creator. 

If this is of interest to you, please contact me on

Wishing you a joyful yuletide and a wonderful new year.

Be More, Be Excellent, BE YOU.


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