The True Twin Flame

Many moons ago, I made the conscious decision to distance myself from the seductive allure of the “Twin Flame Teachings.” However, as time passed, I couldn’t help but find myself in deep contemplation over Hieros Gamos, the sacred union between the divine masculine and the sacred feminine, and musing over the half truths behind the “twin flame” teachings. My intention for this blog is to shed light and provide new insights into these misguided teachings that have ensnared so many on the spiritual path into confusion, delusion, and illusion.

Unveiling the Twin Flame Teachings

The true Twin Flame is a union of opposites within the alchemical container of a relationship. This goes much deeper than the union of masculine and feminine energies on a physical plane; with that said, this, of course, is an extremely important aspect, and I believe polarised communication can be helpful in opening up a safe space for the relationship to develop on a physical human level.

To delve deeper into the essence of a true Twin Flame connection, the journey necessitates a marriage between the conscious and unconscious within each individual. Within the alchemical container of a sacred union, the reflection of one another’s Shadows can sometimes become incredibly intense, which is precisely why I emphasised the significance of polarised communications. The man can lead his woman to safety to explore her own unconscious, and the woman can open her heart to inspire her man to face his unconscious. Each holds the opposite pole for one another, which is explained in the Hermetic principles of gender and polarity.

The Seven Planes

Once the partners begin their alchemical work with one another, they can work towards becoming what Dion Fortune calls “The Sevenfold Man,” i.e., they have compatibility on all seven planes. I have simplified the planes from Fortune’s text “The Esoteric Philosophy of Love and Marriage.” They are as follows:

  • The First Plane- The Physical plane is the material world of flesh and blood.
  • The Second Plane- The Lower Astral Plane or Psychic Plane is the realm of passions and instincts, characterised by the desire to attract or possess.
  • The Third Plane- The Upper Astral is the plane of emotions characterised by attraction and the desire for union.
  • The Fourth Plane- The Lower Mental Plane or Plane of The Concrete Mind, it is the plane of concrete thought and is characterised by memory.
  • The Fifth Plane- The Upper Mental or Plane of the Abstract Mind, the development of qualities in a monadic essence.
  • The Sixth Plane- Lower Spiritual or Plane of Concrete Spirit. This is where the monadic diverges into seven rays.
  • The Seventh Plane- Upper Spiritual Plane or pure spirit – there is no differentiation on this plane; all are one.

As you can see above, connecting on all planes would be no mean feat and would probably take several lifetimes of work and two extremely dedicated individuals.

THE ESOTERIC TEACHING CONCERNING "TWIN SOULS" : It is well known to all observers of human nature that certain people seem to "bring out the best in each other," that, when they are together, each nature seems to blossom and to become capable of greater heights of development then could be reached alone, and at the same time a wonderful joy and radiance pervades them. Should they be parted from each other they droop and wither, and through time serves to alleviate the bitterness of severance, neither soul rises to its full stature in solitude

The Inner Flame: The True Essence of Twin Flame

In many spiritual and esoteric traditions, the term “inner flame” symbolises Divine or spiritual energy. It is often associated with the presence of a higher power or Divine essence. However, unlocking this sacred spark of divinity demands an arduous journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance—a path that requires confronting and owning one’s shadow aspects, inverted parts, toxic patterns, and harmful matrix programming. When a person lifts the veils of their internal maya, their inner light can begin to shine ever more radiant.

If this transformation occurs within the container of a relationship, a bond as strong as gold itself is formed inside a love as deep as the ocean. This, I believe, is the essence of a true Twin Flame union where each inner flame is ignited and burns brighter through the connection and for the connection.This is a very short blog, and in time I will elaborate on my insights and provide more detailed steps. For now, I can say whether you are single or burning in the alchemical fires of such a union, the most important work you can do is in the inner world to clear and purify your thoughts, emotions, memories, stories and beliefs. This is not an instant quick fix of enlightenment; this is more akin to taking your soul to the Gym.


Shadow Work & Inner Alchemy

If you are interested in exploring your Shadow, my workbook may be of interest to you. Alongside looking at your own Shadow, there is also a section concerning romantic relationships. If you would like to do some guided 1:1 work, I offer Shadow work mentoring programs and parts work, which I call inner alchemy, which can be found here: Shadow Work Mentoring Program & Inner Alchemy 

With Love & Care Anastasia ❤️‍🔥

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