“Your psyche is the breathing of the cosmos”. – Richard Tarnas
Are we are the mercy of the stars? Does the moon control the Saturn empire? Or is the universe threaded and woven together in a synchro-mystical divine order? Does the zodiac live within us and does the cosmos expresses itself through archetypes and stories? Let’s dive in.
I’ve been fascinated with astrology and myths since childhood; I was always pondering the stars, what was their purpose? Did I create them, or did they create me? Did the cosmos have a plan for me, or was I going to have a plan for the cosmo?

Jung’s Archetypes and the Zodiac Within
In recent years I’ve blended psychotherapy practices into my work, as I now inner-stand the interconnected nature of the human psyche to spiritual progression. More recently I’ve been inner-standing Jung’s archetypes working on a deeper level, how these archetypes are mirrored in the zodiac and how an inner cosmos weaves our personal web of fate.
Just like astrology has 12 signs, Jung defined 12 archetypes. He further bridged his work with the cosmos thought his term “Synchronicity” or in layman terms “meaningful coincidences.” The idea that there is some divine order or fate that is guiding us. Maybe the stars really do align but what happens when they collide?

Now I’m not a religious person as I believe religion is more programming designed to divide and rule the masses. However, I do think the bible has some beautiful gems of wisdom, especially in regards to astrology, also known as astrotheology. It’s a very vast topic that requires years of study and books to explain, but we already have that- the bible.

One of the little nuggets of truth I especially like in the bible, is “know thyself.” If we know our inner world, we can navigate the world and stars in a less rocky ship with all archetypes, signs, and parts aboard. No one left behind, no sinking ship, this is a ship setting sail for a life long purpose of becoming who the stars birthed you to be.
Is the Universe Inside?
The diagram below illustrates the integrated woven nature of the universe; you can see the cross-cultural referencing to the same concepts. That our lives are made through story’s and that elements of the story occur as “meaningful coincidences”, that throughout life, you will play every character in your own story and the story of others.
There’s a different version of you walking around in the minds of every person you’ve engaged with, some you may play the villain, the lover, the daughter/son, the mother/father, and knowledge of ourselves is essential, so we don’t take on other people ideas of who we are. Perception and a sound inner-standing of the interconnected relationship with your archetypes within and out can help bring meaning and wisdom to our lives.

Jung was known for his mystical thinking, could it be possible that Jung was trying to guide us back to the ancient knowledge our ancestors held? That there was a guiding collective force often hidden in the shadows, directing our lives? That there are layers to this reality, that science has no answers for, and religion has no intent on sharing.
Can we Take the Cosmic Controllers Back?
Maybe we can become sovereign from the stars, and that’s what the bible was eluding to with “being in this world, but not of it.’ Now I know on a surface level this means not to allow the sins of the world to mould you. But what if on a deeper level this means to take back the controller from the cosmos. To be aware of the cycles of nature and the universe, but not allow those cycles to determine our destiny. To take full leadership of our lives, to pave our own way and when obstacles are met, make them the way.
Perhaps man can reach his or her highest potential through having an awareness of both the seen and unseen worlds. Does a foot in both worlds help a man become a master of the(ir) universe, rather than a slave to the stars and moon?

Can our Story’s Help us Become Sovereign Leaders?
Our stories are what makes us who we are; they teach us wisdom, they mould our journey’s, and they are what has guided you to the place you are today. I speak about this in a recent interview with my friend, and daily does of wisdom Lily Brunton. You can watch the interview here.
Here’s a little tale Lily shared to illustrate just how magical our stories are.
The Frog Prince
“ Dare, dear friends, to reach down the deep dark well and retrieve the “gold” that’s down there!
Make a sacred bargain with yourself to honour the parts of you that have been exiled and stuffed down the well, by bringing them back into the light.
It might surprise you how many allies you have withIN your own selves.
How many voiceless exiles are waiting in the dark to support you and guide you back to wholeness and healing.
Down there in the dark they’ve been waiting for you, in your dreams they’ve chased you, trying to get your attention so you’d listen to them.
They are not monsters, they are not creatures to be feared…they are parts of you that, for whatever reasons, your childhood self decided to throw down the well.
And well, you’re an adult now, and there’s pure gold waiting patiently for you down there in the dark.
The transformation of the frog to a handsome prince and his alchemical marriage to the beautiful princess is the “happy ever after” ending of the tale wherein inner sacred masculine and inner divine feminine arise as partners, together conjoined, in harmony withIN. And who doesn’t want to experience that?
Side note: And isn’t that what all the “Twin Flame” shizzle is REALLY trying to lead us to?
The full fairy tale as told by the Grimm brothers is here…
https://interestingliterature.com/…/a-summary-and-analysis…/ ”
– Lily Brunton

How will your tale end? Can you transform the psychological patterns of the archetypes into their highest form? Will you step into your purpose and align with your destiny. Can you gracefully dance with fate or does the battle fighting what you can not change, serve a purpose higher than you? How can you align your destiny to the fate of the stars?
If you are interested in diving deeper into this work, please contact me at info@truesovereignself.com.
Be more, Be Excellent, Be YOU!