TRASH are we a collective mess?

The creator gifted mankind with a vehicle which can heal itself, intellect to create, a heart to connect and a beautiful home, which provides for all our needs. So why do we trash it? The earth is a living being, and our collective connection to her is being hijacked. If you speak with an indigenous person, they can tell you which plants will heal, when the rain will come and how to live in alignment with the natural kingdom. This kingdom which we were once aligned and connected to, for many has now been replaced with a need to consume, and most of it trash!

“Love the world as your own self; then you can truly care for all things”.

– Lao Tzu

Trash TV, Trash music, Trash food and instant hook up’s on a trashy dating site’s for fast food love, seems to becoming the norm for part of the collective. If you look into some esoteric knowledge and the hermetic principle of the ‘Law of correspondence’ which means our outer world is nothing more than a reflection of our inner world – as within, so without, as above, so below. Is it any wonder that we have an environmental crisis, our ocean flooded with plastic, the forest being logged down for cattle farming to feed our ever-increasing appetites, a childhood obesity epidemic and suicide rates at an all-time high. Is it time we started to clean up our inner world, befriended our messy human nature and connected with each other through our hearts?

Mark Passio Law of Correspondance Slide 

The Stuff Program 

I inner-stand why we reach for the trash. I’ve been in this program, I call it the ‘Stuff Program.’ Like many, I’d stuff down my emotions by buying stuff I didn’t need. I’d work hard in a job I hated and one that I was morally out of alignment with for ‘stuff. I’d willingly put on the golden handcuffs of a corporation and feed the system of buying bigger and better stuff. I’d live a life I hated for ‘stuff.’ Then when it would get too much, I’d stuff my emotions down with food, alcohol, and drugs. 

We are very conditioned in the West when things get tough to go do some retail therapy, have some chocolate or a glass of wine. We don’t give people the space or time to heal, because the economic system is feeding off our emotional state. If you look at the word E-Motion, our emotions are guiding our life, and when we are living in the lower emotional state’s of anger, sadness, depression, and frustration these guys are running the show, and this is what will be manifesting in our future timelines. 

I don’t mean we should blindly ignore these emotions either, they are coming up for a reason. It’s our job to inner stand our inner world so that when we do get triggered by the external world, our wounds don’t play out with other individuals wounds. If they do don’t worry there will be a more profound lesson to be learnt, and if you don’t learn it the first time the cycle will repeat.


Slide Credit: Mark Passio 

Here are a few ways to help heal yourself and the planet:

Help the Earth: Give back to the earth and don’t take more than you need. One way you can do this is by reducing your plastic intake. The average plastic straw is used for 20 minutes and takes 600 years to decompose. Some items I carry around with me to help are, a canvas bag for shopping, a glass bottle for water and a bamboo straw for when I need a juice. Giving back and showing your gratitude helps you feel good. Remember the E-motions I mentioned, when you feel good, you start to create a better future for yourself and those around you.

Get into Nature: If my mood is low which happens occasionally, sometimes I find myself getting upset that I live in a world where we are allowing such horrific global conflicts and injustices. I know my sadness doesn’t help these situations, spending time in nature and seeing the beauty of this world helps me come from a more balanced perceptive. There’s is some great research around earthing, so kick off your shoes and stick your feet on the ground.

Know thy SELF (VES): Getting to know your inner world and what triggers your anger, sadness or frustration, this helps when dealing with the external world. Instead of projecting our pain onto another we can take ownership of our E-Motional world. Which leads to more harmonious relation-ships and can help reduce the amount of trash intake, as there is less of a need to firefight these parts of our being.

Seek Knowledge not Distraction: Becoming a student of life is much more interesting than the latest reality show. Where the TV program, programs your thought patterns. Even social media is programming us to some extent, and there are rumors of Facebook now being able to read our thoughts. There is so much to learn and experience in this world, enjoy the journey.

Follow your passion: Every single person has a unique gift, a divine mission and reason for being. You might not know what yours is, but if you just begin to slowly follow your heart one impulse at a time, things, places and people will show up to help guide you on your path. I’ve had this happen many times within my own life, and it is often only when we look back we can begin to connect the dots. One thing that really helped me to do this, was doing inner child and shadow work. When I started to heal my inner child in the past, my present became present, and the future takes care of itself.

In society, we are seeing technology develop at an unprecedented rate. Humans are being chipped, AI has its own consciousness, and every day our governments are taking more and more of our freedom away. The trans-human agenda is no longer an agenda, it is becoming a reality. When you start to look at where the world could go with all of this, it starts to look like a dark future story. 

However inside all of us is our human heart and its time to toss the trash aside, befriend our inner world with love, connect to our outer world through our hearts and start to take real care of the Heart of the universe-EARTH!
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If you are seeking to live to your full potential I offer session at reasonable prices. In sessions we work with your inner child & subconscious mind (shadow work) to transform your inner world, to enable you to begin to manifest the life you deserve. 

If you are interested please contact me at : 

BE More, BE Excellent, Be YOU


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